#SRSC & EBrandCon
What Women Want...From Their Job
February 23, 2017 by Romy Newman President & Co-Founder, FairygodbossIn 2016, Fairygodboss asked 100 college-educated women what factors were most important to them in a job. Compensation ranked #1 on the list...which was as expected. But from there, the answers were more surprising. Listed here in order are the top 9 factors for women when they were asked, “how important were these factors to you in selecting your…
Read MoreThe Recruiting Skills of Tomorrow, Today
January 13, 2016 by Kara MignanelliAs a talent acquisition professional, you know the best recruiters have always been those that can quickly find candidates by using multiple sources. Not sure what skills and proficiencies in social recruiting are most effective today? We caught up with SVP of CareerArc, Gary Zukowski to ask him just that! #SRSC: How did you get into this…
Read MoreA Case for Creating a Social Recruiting Culture
December 04, 2015 by Mike RobertsSocial recruiting is much easier said than done. But when its done right, it can make life easier for talent acquisition teams. Although sites like Twitter and LinkedIn may be far down on the source of hire list in 2015, more and more companies seem to be interested in and experimenting with social recruiting than ever before. An Aberdeen study found…
Read More#HRCarnival at #truLondon: 5 Employer Branding Truths
February 26, 2015 by Crystal MillerNo one can deny that employer branding is a hot, hot, hot topic in HR & Recruiting these days... and it's no surprise, given those with a dedicated employer branding initiative are 250% more likely to rate their talent acquisition programs as being highly effective. So how do you build a better brand? You start with defining what 'success' looks like…
Read MoreFrom #SRSC: The Importance of Meaningful Content
February 15, 2015 by Crystal Miller@CelindaAppleby @AllisonAKruse ok what’s the joke? “Spam should come out of a can and not a recruiter” #SRSC pic.twitter.com/OxXGO5sat2 — Andres Traslavina (@traslavina) January 31, 2015 Meaningful Content The conversation started with a question in a tweet from SRSC speaker Andres Traslavina of Whole Foods: "Does a job posting inspire you to engage…
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